Two astronomers. Separated by only 22 degrees, 58 minutes of latitude, 33 degrees, 29 minutes of longitude, yet seemingly worlds apart. Their common goal: figure out the very nature of the Universe and its womenfolk.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I'm becoming observant in the mornings. For today I noticed a disturbance...something was *wrong* with Durham. I realised quickly what was wrong. The bronze head (of Sir Ove Arup, architect of Dunelm House and Kingsgate bridge) is missing!

Here's what it looks like, in case you find it under a bush or something. Don't be scared, I don't think it's evil, in spite of its appearance.

Conspiracy theories abound...term has just ended, has a wicked student whipped it away as a memento of their time in Durham? Have those tramps that hang around Dunelm House swiped it? Maybe that crazy dude with the huge moustache and afro that you always see in town has it? Or maybe DSU has just moved it while there are builders in the vicinity...