Two astronomers. Separated by only 22 degrees, 58 minutes of latitude, 33 degrees, 29 minutes of longitude, yet seemingly worlds apart. Their common goal: figure out the very nature of the Universe and its womenfolk.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

If you like to gamble, I tell you I'm your man.

This is probably the single most awesome event for 13.7 billion years. My nephew, George (9), like most boys of his age, plays football for a local junior team. I've just about forgiven him for his choice - he plays for Greenbank FC, who were the arch-rivals of my own junior team, Glebe Park Eagles, when I was a wee lad.

It was just happens that George's coach knows Lemmy. Yes, *the* Lemmy. From Motorhead. The greatest metal band in history. A quick phone call to Lemmy has landed the team sponsorship from Motorhead, including a very-metal black kit (complete with skulls on) and a benefit gig at Nottingham's Rock City this Saturday. The kids are all invited to the gig, to hang back-stage with Lemmy et al., and are now running onto the pitch to the Ace of Spades (a bit more hardcore than Newcastle's 'Local Hero').

The whole affair has made it onto local news [clicky] and Mark Swinbank tells me they've just had a mention on Radio 2. Hopefully Stotty and Geach (if Jim's listening) can get me more Radio 2 banter later on!


Blogger kittenrina said...

I think this is the most heart-warming tale I've ever heard. I would've given my right arm for them to sponsor my netball team as a kid...

10:31 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is probably the best post I have ever seen on any blog, anywhere. kudos to Motorhead that is an awesome thing to do.

Well, except for this

1:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

shit, I really fucked up the last comment. Just imagine that the "Well, except for this" phrase is in brackets after the the word anywhere.

Here is an improved second draft of my comment:

This is probably the best post I have ever seen on any blog, anywhere (Well, except for this one). kudos to Motorhead that is an awesome thing to do.

1:12 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Superb! That is quality.

The statement on BBC saying "the team ... also listen to other rock acts, such as ... Coldplay, before games" has jarred like a smashed pint glass to the head though. Coldplay and Motorhead in the same musical pigeon-hole?! Hmmm.

9:33 PM

Blogger Rob said...

Yeah, good point Rich. If ever I go to watch them, I'll replace the CD with one that has Slayer and Winger on there ;-) !!

10:00 AM


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