The thesis is finished and now I have nothing to do...
God, how I wish that was true. When your an undergrad and you finish your exams: BAM! the next day your off gulping down pints, dancing half naked in the streets, singing songs of glorious accomplishment. After I submitted yesterday I felt quite happy but this morning its back to square one. Well maybe not square one, maybe square two. The point is however, that I have LOADS to do. I have a project Im working on with some people from Bonn, I have to prepare a lecture for the Birmingham conference, I have to prepare talks for when I go to California, I have projects with the millenium I can work on, etc etc etc. There is no end in sight, no vacation, no respite from these hallowed halls, no break from the leviathan, the ever-hungry diluvium swamping ones life; no light at the end of the chunnel tunnel, no tip of no iceberg, no siesta for tapas eating hombres, no half time in the world cup of astronomy, no borg regeneration, no time outs, no sleep.
In fact its about time i get to work.
The only benefit is that the time bomb in the back of my head has been defused.